Wednesday 8 May 2013


Typography is the art, or process, of setting and arranging types and printing. Typography appears in web pages, graffiti, architectural lettering, posters, advertising etc. It plays a major role in making any design successful, as without it, typography would seem unfinished. Also it plays a major role in the field of a graphic designer as it allows the designer to be a lot more imaginative in a way that other graphic designers cannot. Typography “It's not something which can be randomly tossed together - it has to be considered, structured and organised”. The main techniques include in the typography is the leading, kerning and tracking.

An example of the most popular, outstanding and intelligent graphic designer is Jan Tschichold. He was born in April 1902 in Leipzig Germany. He was a known publicist and practitioner of the 'new typography' that developed in Europe between the wars. The 'new typography' was strongly in favor of asymmetry. He produced sans-serif typeface and it’s always been hand drawn. Jan Tschichold was the first one to come up with the effectiveness of using different weights and sizes type to visually create a hierarchy on the page. “The man who perfected Penguin's classic paperback deserves to be remembered as one of the great designers of the 20th century”. ‘The Guardian’

‘It's not something which can be randomly tossed together - it has to be considered, structured and organised’. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 February 2013]

‘Richard Hollis’ (2008) ‘the man who perfected Penguin's classic paperback deserves to be remembered as one of the great designers of the 20th century’ in ‘The Guardian’. Friday 5 December 14.52 [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 10 February 2013]

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